Monday, June 4, 2012

Carl Sagan, American astronomer and science communicator, manager of the famous message sent to the Voyager space probes, NASA proposed to take a picture of our planet when the Voyager spacecraft was at 6.000 million kilometers. NASA at first did not understand what sense would photograph our planet from a far away place.
Thus, the Voyager turned to earth and took the picture far we've seen in our world. Carl Sagan called it "The little pale blue dot" and made the following comment ..

A little gift for you all.
Always remember, this is our place now, and depend on us to live together in fraternity to protect and preserve this "pale blue dot, the only home that we ever know"...


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Really makes you think how insignificant we are. Sadly, people will still fight against eachother over stupid things, because, let's face it, people are stupid. We all are, at some degree, stupid. Stupidity it's part of being human. The problem is that there are people with enough power to act upon that stupidity without even knowing that what they are doing is, indeed, stupid.
    Okay, leaving stupidity aside I must say that I really like this video, it kind of says "Hey, you re almost nothing and this is the only place you have to live so be humble and learn how to live without destroying your world nor other people!". At least that is what I think it says
