Tuesday, March 27, 2012

I want to break free - Queen

·          Who create this message?
This song was created by the band British Queen and was released in 1984.
·         What creative techniques are used to attract my attention?
First of all, the video is very funny and enjoyable, so it's not hard to watch, and also shows between lines the darkness of life, the serious part of human personalities and the good side, the tolerant and respectful side.
·         How might different people understand this message differently?
The song is a love song, but we can interpret it as more than that. When they said “I want to break free”, it's not only about a relationship, it's about choosing what I want, what I need in every aspect of life. I’m free to be whatever I want to be, to think, act, love and live as I wish and no one can tell me what I have to do.
·         What values, lifestyles and points of view are represented in, or omitted from, this message?
The values that are represented here are tolerance and respect to people just like you, no matter if they have a different sexual option, religion, race, culture, so on. It shows a more open style of life not such a conservative one, but also shows the two sides of human nature, the one who does not accept people as the way they are, the most serious and conflictive part and the lovely and peaceful one.
·         Why is the message being sent?
We have to be free; we need to stop being a close minded and start to live. Leave behind all the things that stop ourselves to be happier.
We need to be free of money, consumerism, job, credit cards, clothes and star to break walls and make us one. 

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