1-. Who created this message?
this message was created by travis, a brit-pop band
from scotland.
2.-what creative techniques are used to attract my
I would say that the most attractive thing about this
song is the melody , to me was the most attractive thing about it.in addition
the idea or metaphor that they used ''why does it always rain on me''.
3.-how might different people understand this message
In my opinion this message is clear, you just have to
infer from the title of the song ,the main idea.
why does it always rain on me, makes me think that
stormy days are bad or terrible days in our life that are inevitable but being
conscious that we can perform and overcome those days.
4-.what values,lifestyles and points of view are
represented from this message?
It’s seems to me that this song is not promoting
anything , I truly believe that the message is about hopeless and feeling desperate
because things are simply not working. the song is about rainy days . the
author tried to link stormy days with negative thing or bad days in our life.
5.-why is this message being sent?
I think that despite the fact that the message
is not very positive we can make an effort and conclude that despite having bad
days or stormy days sometimes , we can overcome that difficult
moments in our life.
maybe the encouraging message is hidden.
María Susana, I love Travis, but I need more information apart from nationality. The melody is what attracts you, but you do not comment on it or connect it to the message and video. I think you need to meditate harder on the song: to say that fatality follows you wherever you go or that dark clouds hang on you provides an image of individuality that needs to be analized. Does the song say anything about "overcoming difficult moments" as you say?