Saturday, June 16, 2012

This video shows clearly and precisely what we do with different people, shows clearly how we label people because of belonging to a culture or a different thought.

We must get these labels, as teachers we will be looking to promote the principles of brotherhood tolerance and free inquiry to reach a better and more united society.
fraternity does not exist without tolerance and tolerance is not without fraternity, and that should be applied to any cultural or religious thought.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Future Promoters.

For UNESCO, Cultural Diversity study has 3 important goals around the world:

- To raise awareness worldwide about the importance of intercultural dialogue, diversity and inclusion. 

- To build a world community of individuals committed to support diversity with real and every day-life gestures. 

- To combat polarization and stereotypes to improve understanding and cooperation among people from different cultures.

Very important aspects, and in some way the basis of our future teaching methods.
As teachers, we'll have to be promoters of tolerance and diversity to future generations, making them work together, sharing experiences to create atmospheres of respect, mutual care, and an open-minded vision of life.

I hope that this video shows you that the solutions for social differences, and struggles are in this litlle people. Let's teach them to share.

Don't judge a book by its cover

"The Stereotypes Song - (Your Favorite Martian music video)"

This song was made to make people laugh, but unfortunately it might offend someone else. Anyway, I chose it in order to show you how strong stereotypes can be. Just think about it, it was written and animated in the United States and it can still be funny all around the world. The main reason is simple: we tend to consider these characters as if they were true.

I think most of the things that are funny need previous knowledge about something. As we ignore much about these countries and its citizens we prefer to accept what mass media shows us on TV, Internet, Newspapers and so on. That is where everything starts: we watch a film and we think it shows the truth, then we read a magazine full of pictures from an European city and we believe that is the way the whole country is like. In the end it is completely wrong and we allow them to tell us what to think. Usually, we even pay to access these false contents (they are easy to make and easy to sell).

In my opinion, it is fine to laugh at things like this when you do know it is not true, as it just represents what you use to see about those countries (yes, stereotypes once again). However, we must be careful and it is our responsibility to bear in mind that we need to respect everyone if we want to be respected. Definitely, you cannot judge a book by its cover. Every place has got its own culture and way of thinking and in no case we have the right to say whether one culture is better or worse than the rest; they are simply as different as special.

We've talked
enough of the British Indians to provide more information.

What I want to emphasize now to take the British Indians as a major subbroup in British society and the acceptance or rejection phenomenon that can take this country to Indian culture.

I personally think that this culture can be taken in two ways, and that is a real-life phenomenon, in one hand we have incclusion and acceptance of Indian culture to the country, but in the other hand it can be segregated and even Britains could want them out of the country.

, the British culture seems to include this culture and not segregate it, maybe a German guy wouldn't  act the same with a Turk guy.

I find it very interesting to compare this situation with our own peoples,  we should act like the British with the Indians, and we act in the opposite way.
Pixar's Day and Night

I really love this short film and it depicts perfectly well how people react to others who are different from them. To be afraid of people who are different, to hate them, to reach the point to fight against them just because they are different.
We must be able to see that different it's not bad, that differences can actually be cherished and that can help you improve as a person, that they make life interesting.
"Different" actually causes an inner conflict in us humans. People want to be different from each other, to be individuals, but at the same time they want to be like the rest so that they can fit in.
Someone said that we are all the same because we all want to be different.
Even if there exist differences between people let's not forget that we all need to eat and we all, hours later, evacuate whatever we ate.

Humanizing the God

     Watching movies about emperor of a reign or a very famous president ( example “The Iron Lady” or “The Queen”), I always think that the director of the movie (or serie) is trying to show to the people that the main character, the leader of the country always has a quite fragile, they (the directors) try to show the “Part B” of this characters. In the official history we can see majestics kings, imposing emperors and strong presidents, but in the movie we see those people in a more human view.
    For example, the movie of the life of the ex Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Margaret Thatcher (played by Meryl Streep), try to explain her term as a mad, schizophrenic and forgetful old lady, for my opinion that's a very exaggerated point of view (even knowing that she really was very polemic person).

    In the movie of 2006, "The Queen", the british actress Helen Mirren plays the role of The Queen Elizabeth II, after the death of Princess Diana, the UK's monarch and her family decide that for the best, they should remain hidden behind the closed doors of Balmoral Castle at Scotland. The people don't undertand her decision and request for the Queen's statement.
In this film we can see the Queen even as a very relaxed person, pressed by his huge responsibility, in a scene of the movie she tries to escape from his life walking on her garden with her dogs and talking about the life with the Prime Minister Tony Blair.

    In my point of view, the directors of these movies are trying attract the heed of the people by a new way, or at least different for the people. The viewer loves this kind of new feelings, they don't want to see the official history, they don't want to see how majestic are the kings, they don't want to see presidents saving the world against the alien menace. The people loves when the president is suffering, laughing, crying, their chilhood, their loves, they want to see if behind those cold hearts are feelings, pieces of humanity.

Stereotypes in cartoons

We all like cartoons, right? But, have you ever thought about the all the stereotypes that cartoons show us? For example, in "The Simpsons", they show things like all black people are really good at basketball. One time they made an episode about the Brazilians where they showed them like thiefs and like poor people. Another example is "South Park", in that series they always show the Mexicans like stupid people who always are looking for jobs and both series many times have shown stereotypes of black people, Native Americans, Japaneses, Chineses, and a few others. There are many more examples of this in another cartoons and maybe we think that this is not a great thing just because this are cartoons. But think about this, if a cartoon shows a stereotype of Chilean people and everyone in the rest of the world laugh about this, How will you feel? Would you laugh too? Or would you feel upset? think about this, because probably the next stereotype that you could see in TV, could be you.


 Maybe we have a lot of information in this blog, but we have to think about the value of this material and not just read o put some entries like part of a evalutation. I don't want to make an entry more "deep" because I think that it would be a fake reflexion.

Maybe this comment can be a little repetitive, but I think that we have to take all this topics about cultures as a way to face the life. We have been  four months listening the concept of things that are really dificult to define, so at the end the work is our. We should apply this "tolerance" that we have developed this time, sometimes we disagree with some definitons in the presentations, but at the end this subject help us to understand  the culture from a different point of view. With this subject I hope, that now we have a more "open mind" in some topics at least...
 Vegetarian Food

Why do you think people in India is vegetarian?

The firs reason is because of the weather, in India the climate is very warm and the meats descompounds faster.

The second reason is because they want  to keep alive the cows(they are sacred), so when they are alive they can feed more people than when they are dead.

In relation with the realigion, they want to keep the peace, so they want to care the animals(god is everywhere, even in the animals). For them, animals have a soul as the human being. 

They say that "you are what you eat", so If you want to care about your spiritual growing,  you have to care about your health and be aware of what is in your body. For that reason, they say that the food has energy and is really important how do you eat and what are you eating. You don't eat just becaus it is delicious, you eat with a spiritual purpose and for your health care.


Being confronted with all these new culture, from England, India, Australia etc, we cannot avoid to talk about tolerance.
 Sometimes we are so used to what we know and what we are told to be good and bad, normal or weird, that when something new is shown to us we react negatively.
I think that is important for us to learn new things and about new cultures. there may be things that we wont agree with, but there will also be interesting things that are not common in our society. as we talk in class about indian and japanese healthy eating culture, the importance of taking care of our body. something that we as occidentals dont give much attention to.
  Asian cultures are older than ours, full of knowledge, where everything has a reason to be. opposed to us that use to copy others instead of build our own identity and culture or looking deeper in our roots.
  In the other hand is also important to filter and get to know the reasons of why they to what they do, the way they do, before star judging and refusing the possibility of learning  from this great cultures.indian culture video

Changing our mind

Yesterday I saw a gay couple kissing, I must confess that it was a little bit shocking for me because I've never seen something like that before, for me it wasn't normal because "normal" for me is seeing an heterosexual couple, is difficult to see it as something natural because we have a different vision about how a couple should be.
I think that we must start making up our minds and assume that there are different kinds of couples. I will start by myself ... If I can kiss my boyfriend in public, why can't a gay couple do the same? We are all free and we all have the same rights.

Who are the sovereigns of the Falklands?

Between Argentina and England there is this dispute over the Island Falklands (Malvinas). The islands are a self-governing British Overseas Territory, with the United Kingdom responsible for their defense and foreign affairs. Since 1833 generations of British have gone to live there and made their lives out of fishing and the other resources they can get from the islands. 61% of the population is Falkland Islander, 29% British, 6.5% Chilean & Other

The island is a paradise because everyone has a job, get paid really good amount of money, children go to a British school for free and they are offered scholarships to study in England for their college and university degrees. People speak English, they drive on the left side of the road, have post office boxes and telephone booths just like in England.

who are the sovereigns of the Falklands? The people that have been living there for ages, long generations or the ones that claim territory because they are near and discovered they had the potential to start exploiting the land and sea for oil?

God reincarnation, Avatars

First you need to know what is reincarnation.  As many religious or philosophic beliefs  after biological death, begins a new life in a new body that may be human, animal or spiritual depending on the moral quality of the previous life's actions.

Are there many gods or it is just one god in different aspects?

brahma ,Vishnu and Krishna are considerate as God and the origin of avatars and semi gods.

Female Gods

 God can expand in a female aspect which symbolize the earth, fertility and represent the devotion. One aspect of female god is RADHA. (the women in the picture)

So as you can see, for Indian people, god doesn't have just one aspect, is no just one person, because it is everywhere in every aspect.  God is present in the nature such as cats, dogs, birds, trees, flowers.  God is the creator of everything, so you can't say that he is just man or women or Jesus or Budha. For them, God can use any forms, and they also accept Jesus as an Avatar.  

These beliefs is not just in Hinduism, many indian abourigine believe in the same way, and famous people such as Pythagoras, Platon and Socrates thought that this is a logical way to understand  the spirituality things related to God.

Where do we learn the Indian culture? who can understand it completely? I think that with our ignorance we have many opinions that are not true. Maybe all the things that we thought is real, it is just 1 % of Indian's culture reality. 

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Hope for the Future

For my last entry, I really wanted to post a video about either stereotypes, racism, bullying, something like that. I spent a lot of time on youtube searching these topics and discovered the amount of videos promoting unity and change. There were many anti bulling videos, anti stereotypes, how stereotypes can affect a person, defeating the label sort of videos, anti racist videos, the list goes on and on.
There were 3 important things I noticed from searching and seeing all of these videos:
1) The actual amount of existing videos that promote an "open mind".
2) The fact that most of the videos were either made by or involved in some way teenagers and young adults.
3) All of the views and comments that the videos had.

Why are these points important? Simple, its proof that times are changing. The newer generations are beginning to understand (or already do) the necessity of having a broader perspective and acceptance of people of different race, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual orientation, personal taste, etc.
This is one of the reasons as to why there is so much conflict between the older and newer generations.

But not all young people are like this though. I can personally say that I'm a very open minded person, but I have family members who are not. Some of my own cousins, for example, tend to use a lot of racist jokes and can be very close minded in relation to sexual orientation, urban groups and whatnot. My guess is that it is the result of the environment in which they grew up in and the limited access to the media. Their main family is consisted mainly of boys who, following the steps of their fathers, can be a bit "macho". A few years ago they didn't have as much access to the media as I did or what more city people had.

So, as seen in class and in other posts, it is true that the media helps spread stereotypes and such BUT it also helps provide a wider perspective or view on things. Youtube is an example. Thousands of people have watched the video shown here plus many others. Thousands have the notion that bullying, stereotyping, labeling and racism is wrong. Thousands more will continue to watch the videos. It is also important to note the comments written on the videos. People are showing their support towards change and are no longer standing on the sidelines but actually taking action not with violence, but with non violent resistance (as promoted by Martin Luther King).

I chose this particular video because it was made by people more of our generation, it had a more happy vibe to it (there were other good videos but they tended to be a bit more sad and trying to change your mentality by making you feel bad), it showed all kinds of people and it was fun to watch. It catches your attention plus the music is catchy. The song used is actually adequate "Who Do U Think U R?" *note the lyrics.
Here are some links to other videos I found interesting:  (Very good)
We have advanced a lot but we still have a long way to go. What do you think? Is there hope for the future?

Common Stereotypes

            I was looking up some information about stereotypes and I found a list of common  stereotypes around the world. I think this list is a good example for knowing what other people think about the rest of the world.

These are some examples:

African Americans

          One of the more common stereotypes examples is stereotypes surrounding African Americans. Saying that all African Americans are good at sports is a stereotype, because it’s grouping the race together to indicate that everyone of that race is a good athlete.


     Asians have high IQs. They are smarter than most in Math and Science. These people are more likely to succeed in school.


All people who live in England have bad teeth.

People from USA

         All white Americans are obese, lazy, and dim-witted. Homer Simpson of the TV series The Simpsons is the personification of this stereotype.

As a reflection...

  • I think that Stereotyping can lead to bullying form a young age.
  • Stereotyping can also lead people to live lives driven by fear.
  • For example, many gays and lesbians are afraid to admit their sexuality in fear of being judged.

The Bindi.

       I wanted to show you the history behind the "bindi" that we were talking about in our presentation.
         Many Hindus wear a mark on the forehead between the eyes. Why do they use this mark?
 It is said that this point, known by various names such as Third eye, Tikki, Ajna Chakra,Tilaka, etc, is the main nerve in the human body.
      According to legends, the material that is used to do the bindi, the "Sándalo" (a plant from India) is refreshing. Using this substance on the forehead between the eyes refreshes the nerve center associated with energy, and as a consequence the mind is calmed.

      Women wear the bindi as a symbol of their marriage vows. In ancient times, the groom smeared his blood on the forehead of the bride to represent his marriage to her. Today, the religious significance has been practically forgotten, is used more as a decoration and is worn by unmarried women as well as non-Hindus. But there are some women that have kept their traditions and still use this mark as a signal of their marriage.
       Nowadays, the bindi is part of the Hindu fashion. They can be found in different colors and designs that have adhesives that facilitate its application in the forehead between the eyes.

A Cultural Issue

For all those who were in class and saw the first group on the last presentations, here is the website with the article about the Indian woman growing up in the UK.

I have read it like 3 or 4 times since our presentation. And I was wondering about something. 
Is really possible to conciliate both cultures? 

I mean, when we try to think about mixing two cultures is almost impossible to come out with a practical solution. 
It is pretty obvious that this decision will bring a lot of trouble for the ones involved.
For example, an Indian woman just does not have any support from her family if she tries to do something "British". And what she is really doing is just imitate what her friends are doing, like looking for a boyfriend, go shopping and even (as we saw in the movie "Bend it like Beckam") trying to practice any sport.
If you were born in India, and grew up in the UK, which one is your "culture"? 
I believe that your "culture" is the one in which you have grown up.
Not the one that your family choose for you.
We are all affected by our environment and because of it we follow and do what the people around us is doing. 

So, in my humble opinion I believe that one person, should be able to choose a "culture" in the meaning of choose a way of living. Live in two cultures at the same time is like try to fool yourself. But we have the right to choose, if we live in another country, to follow the traditions and join to the culture in the country that we are living. The idea of "mixing" is just not possible in the practical way because you will always have to make a choice between them, in terms of making an important decision in your life.

Indian Stereotypes in UK´s TV shows

When I was looking up some information for my presentation of Indian Communities in UK I found a very interesting program called “Goodness Gracious Me”: this was a comedy show televised on BBC Two from 1998 to 2001. The show was about the integration between traditional Indian culture and modern British life and how that produces a conflict between 2 different cultures.
But in spite of being a comedy this was so offensive because in the show they laugh at Indian stereotypes and I noticed that the actors were British Indian people. It does not make any sense!
Is ok to laugh at the situations, but not at the people.  And I noticed too that in the comments, many people were protesting because of it and because the show was directed by white people, for example:

“Indian people make fun of themselves
Asian people make fun of themselves
Black people makefun of themselves
White people....they make fun of others”
“I am Indian and I am totally and utterly offended”

I don´t know which are your opinions but I think that this show is  funny but offensive enough and I believe that this type of programs promote furthermore the creation and consolidation of stereotypes.
new version of chicken tikka masala

for the ones who did not asist to class or who just doesnt know about it,CHICKEN TIKKA MASALA is a indian recipe, is quite traditional, and british people took it became one of the most important dish in the UK .
I found this video some days ago, and it seems very interesting for me , because it show how british changed or destroy something pretty important for indian.
it is interesting realize how much the globalization transform little by little traditional things own of a ethnic group . I´m not saying that is bad, I´m just saying that is important for use see and analyse how tradition change in one way or another.

just think about it.


If we're talking about stereotypes in movies, there are a lot of examples. One of them would be "Legally Blonde", a movie about a blonde girl that is treated as stupid, just because she's rich, superficial and blonde. So in her case, she has to prove everybody that she's not what everybody thinks she is, and that she can be more than what's expected from her....

So, of course in the end she proves that she is smart and that she can do everything she wants on her life, so she finally breaks the stereotypes around her. This is still a great movie about how stereotyped can the society be, in terms of physical aspect o lifestyle.

Maori integration as a model

Within the Polynesian group, the best known are the Maori that inhabit New Zealand for several aspects rooted in popular culture, such as tattoos and Haka dance.

But for New Zealanders most important thing is the culture that still cling to them even yet. In this sense, institutions have been created to preserve these aspects that are believed forgotten, until the mid 70's, because of all the conflicts that shook the world and since its colonization by England. Here's how it happened with the Maori language (Reo Maori) that was proclaimed by the English language ofcicial in 1985 by what is now considered a national treasure (national taonga).

Since then has come a revival of Maori identity, being created educational institutions (schools and universities) that preserve indigenous wisdom and traditions, in addition to this, radio and television stations that broadcast them.

Education model

Due to this feeling of revitalization it was created the concept of Kōhanga reo ("language nest") that are Māori immersion kindergartens.

The first Kōhanga reo was founded in Wainuiomata in 1982, when there were fears that the Māori language was dying out. The success of the kōhanga reo programme is such that they have been followed by primary schools and secondary schools (Kura Kaupapa Māori) where Māori is the primary language of instruction. The role of Maori language in education in New Zealand is enshrined in the Education Act 1989.

The success of the concept has led to kōhanga reo in New Zealand that instruct in other Pacific languages, such as Fijian, Rarotongan, Samoan, and Tongan and other countries adopting a similar concept. A notable example being Pūnana Leo established in Hawaii to revitalize the indigenous Hawaiian language.

There exist  Wānanga too, that  is a publicly owned tertiary institution that provides education in a Māori cultural context. Section 162 of the Education Act 1989 specifies that wānanga resemble mainstream universities in many ways. As of 2009, wānanga offer certificates, diplomas, and bachelor-level degrees, with some wānanga providing programmes in specialized areas up to doctorate level.
Wānanga educational programmes are accredited through the New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA) and the Ministry of Education, and are partly governed by New Zealand's Tertiary Education Commission (TEC).
In traditional times the word wānanga conveyed meanings related to highly evolved knowledge, lore, occult arts, and also "forum" in the sense of a discussion to arrive at deeper understanding.

In conclusion, as I wrote above, this model of preservation of a culture through formal education has been adapted to others cultures in almost all Oceanian countries and colonies with positive results, but at the same time, standardizing what maybe it was a little more dispersed and richer in cultural terms.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

How Hollywood stereotyped the Native Americans
Stereotypes are generalizations about a group of people whereby we attribute a defined set of characteristics to this group. When we make stereotypes in our home with our family, the ones we damage with this is our own family, but when in television or movies, who are part of the most massive source of information, millions and millions of people (especially the children’s who are the one that absorbed all the messages and subliminal messages in movies and don´t have a critical point of view) get infect with stereotypes and racism.
It is very shocking to see that one of the major economic potency and civilized country, that claim is the land of freedom and opportunities, and in many aspects is a role model for our country; it is also the land of racism (native population, black people, immigrants, so on) and stereotypes. In that same land people were (and still but in lower amounts) segregated by color, class, studies, nationality, so on.
And Hollywood and the television have a major importance in these problems, because these massive Medias were used by a few to spread the seed of racism and stereotypes in the population on united states and created the wrong illusion that some race, some people are better than others and because of that, they had the power to do with the others what they want and think was the right to do. In some cases that means kill, beat, torture, remove from their land, enslave, segregate, and so on.

 Pamela Avila Pinilla

Racial Segregation


Segregation is defined by the European Commission against Racism and Intolerance as "the act by which a (natural or legal) person separates other persons on the basis of one of the enumerated grounds without an objective and reasonable justification, in conformity with the proposed definition of discrimination."
Since the discovery of the USA, black people have always been discriminated against. For example, they had to be slaves for American people until the thirteenth amendment was passed on December the 6th 1865.
 In spite of this, segregation continued at water fountains, at restaurants, waiting rooms, at theatres, on buses and even at schools. But, a man wanted to stop  segregation, Martin Luther King (1929-1968). His role in the history of the human rights movements as leader was very important. He inspired many people to fight against
discrimination. And his actions have been heard. 

"I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word in reality. That is why right, temporarily defeated, is stronger than evil triumphant" M. Luther K. Jr. However, nowadays, racial segregation still exists.
We could see racial segregation during the period if the "Stolen Generation". It was a State Goverment law that Aboriginal half-cast children and European descent should be taken away from their parents. 

According to The Universal Declaration of Human Rights: "All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights...". There's no reason to despise other people. There is fear to equality and difference. People hate for the slightest reason. Most people are intolerant. It doesn't change if you travel, listen to songs or read. It is not as simple as that. Our mind has to be aware that this discrimination is not right. The world is a melting pot. We should love each other and see beauty in other cultures, their feelings as humans, and learn from them, instead of only seeing the color of the skin.

Practice tolerance and respect for gender, ideologies and cultures. Racism is transmitted and reproduced culturally. As you can see in the following video, this experiment was created for an antiracism Mexican campaign.

This makes think that parents have a huge challenge. This challenge is to bring up children full of values and principles. Giving the kids a good education.

Can you see the problem? You may consider these questions: Do we discriminate people because of their race, sex, religion, etc..? Do we act based on our prejudices?

Our challenge for the future is to cross that bridge of prejudice and discrimination and respect each other.  

India's Culture ♥

I choice this video because is about India's culture and cuisine, the same topic that my classmates and i choise for our presentation today.
Now, the main idea that i have about India is sincretism and pluralism. Food, music, beautiful clothes, and other elements make it a very attractive culture.
In my opinion, food is the most recognized Indian element in the rest of the world. The reason? like we said before, indian ethnic food is famous for the use of differents spices and herbs that are native from the country that give it an special flavor, but the most important reason that explains why indian food is so consumed around the world is the  number of indian people living in different countries.

About the movie: "Bent It Like Beckham"

This is a movie that I never saw until 2 weeks ago. Personally, I liked, It was interesting, fun, etc. But something that really called my attention was the fact that the Indian culture was very emphasized in the movie. During the whole movie the mother of the protagonist (Jesminder) always was talking about the culture and the honor of the family. The movie also showed a bit about the Indian weddings and how this are a really big deal in the Indian culture. At first, someone would think that all the things about culture and honor in the movie would be a little exaggerated, but then, in the end of the movie I noticed that the director (Gurinder Chadha)  was in fact  a guy with Indian origins. So, considering this fact, and the fact that the movies usually do not show the things like they really are. I would like to ask, the Indian culture is really like this? It is exactly like in the movie? This is something that we really must considerer.

Respect for Diversity

         Respect for the ethnic and cultural diversity, civic education supported by full and widespread citizenship, the relevance of the curriculum to different social and cultural realities that are children to schools, as well as the promotion of communicative practices based on respect for the other and reciprocity in the understanding, are basic elements that must have school today.

        It is necessary to respect the cultures and traditions of the different ethnic groups, but  the nursery school has to integrate divesity education. That means that children must be very early educate in respect for diversity.

      Today in class we were talking about the culture in India and we compared it with our country, but I realized that some of us were saying a word again and again, it was the word DIFFERENT because we are all different. We can not compare two different countries because the whole world has many cultures and all of its are DIFFERENT.

      But I want to know, What do you think about teach cultural diversity to children?

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Why is Elizabeth I important for Education? 

In the first classes of this year, we covered the life and work of Elizabeth I, who became Queen of England in 1558. This period was known as The Golden Age because of the efforts made during her reign. This led to her country to achieve several triumphs, to obtain the position as one of the world’s major powers and to give England a great prestige around the world and throughout the history. All this created in us the memory of a queen with perfect skills and great ideals which remain until today.
Based on this historical facts and the success reflected by the image of Elizabeth, it is possible to have a necessary and very useful example to insert it and relate it (in a positive way) to the contemporary education. But… why is Elizabeth so important for education? The answer to this is what is going to be explained in this report, analyzing several authors and showing important factors related to the topic.
First, Flores (1994) quoted by Bazán (2008, p.21), says that "education is the social process whereby society incorporated or assimilated to its members according to its own rules, values, ideology and knowledge shared by the majority of society". You can found all these factors in the story of Elizabeth I that is mentioned above so we can say that she is part of big culture. We must learn from it and make our students and ourselves to do it also; to incorporate their values to education such as confidence, certainty, decision and perseverance, which are very important to educate and learn, too. 
What I propose is that Elizabeth can become a role model for students; to discuss this idea in more detail it is necessary to begin by sorting the elements involved in this education and how she is related to.
It doesn’t mean that the idea is not to forcing students to believe in a stereotype of person to imitate and take their ideology but to take from her the ideas and values. The main “actors” involved are the teachers and the students so we'll see how it can affect both roles.
Firstly, it is useful for teachers to introduce Elizabeth to students as content, given that we know that our profession is devalued and we need to add new strategies to teach and motivate students. It is necessary to motivate them, because learning is the responsibility of both the teacher and the student; if the latter does not feel interested in the matter, their results will not be optimal neither in the acquisition of knowledge or in skills. 
This idea has existed for many years. Rousseau (1762) proposed that “a child should receive education from their senses”, for example, stimulating the need to learn. So I believe that presenting a model guide would be a very good alternative, considering all the positive aspects that the personality of Elizabeth I has.
Here is where we find that teachers “could teach” something but most of the times they “have to teach" something, which is determined by the educational establishment in the so-called "curriculum". Defined as the selection of the knowledge and skills to be transmitted through the educational Act (Bazán, 2008), it is what is expected for students to learn, planning the content to teach, processes in which the teacher has the main role, must be attentive to different processes of learning for each student and should be able to innovate and to recognize possible problems.
As Boggino (2006) proposes that the curriculum always must be open and flexible. For example, it must always be possible to include other content not provided. Then it is a feasible option to include the personality of this Queen, as a guide.
Elizabeth, whose strong personality led her to defend her ideals and who knew how to deal with all the problems that were submitted resolving them successfully, is, without doubt, a perfect example of overcoming and perseverance for pupils in times when the education becomes complicated. And it is also for teachers an innovative tool to teach, giving also a new chance for learning teachers.
Education is not only transmitting knowledge, but also forming people of integrity. Education is to create culture for our students. And the primary responsibility for this, are we as future teachers. 
Elizabeth I was a Queen of England who made a memory of her based on their attitudes and skills. She became part of the culture, shifting borders.
She is the subject of historical research, films and political studies that includes the relationship between the female gender and power. In a time where everything was more complicated for women, she learned how to succeed.
She had the courage to face their enemies, make decisions that sometimes not liked but she knew he was right, and that made it succeed and became part of the story.
It is under this point of view that I relate the need to study and to include it in our own education as a positive example for students and as a tool for teachers.
Following the thoughts of many authors throughout history, I made sure it is necessary to motivate children to learn in a positive way. It is also essential that teachers investigated and renew the teaching methods.
With the purpose of improving the quality of the people we educate, transmitting not only knowledge, but also values which we can rescue on the life of Elizabeth as the decision, perseverance and confidence in oneself.
In this way the students and teachers began to create their own identity and create culture for all. Because the responsibility that the education is optimal, it is not only on a master or a student, is both and the society, and are appropriate the teachers who guide their students to rescue only the positives offered by the world.
As Bazán (2008, p.27) says, "…and this teacher should be a professional to promote integral development (read intellectual, emotional and social values of our children and young people)." 
Finally, because of all this I make the invitation and recommendation for future teachers who include Elizabeth I, a very interesting topic, within their content, and link it with the skills of their students and their environment, with the society in which they are, and with which intended to live.

·         Elizabeth I, Biography
·         Domingo Bazán Campos, (2008) “El oficio del Pedagogo: aportes para la construcción  de una práctica reflexiva en la escuela”. Rosario. Homo Sapiens Ediciones.
·         Norberto Boggino (2006) “Diversidad, Aprendizaje e integración en contextos escolares”.  Buenos Aires. Homo Sapiens Ediciones.
·         Jean Jacques Rousseau ( 1762) “ Emilio, o De la Educación”.  

   Gabriel Vega.