Thursday, June 14, 2012

The Bindi.

       I wanted to show you the history behind the "bindi" that we were talking about in our presentation.
         Many Hindus wear a mark on the forehead between the eyes. Why do they use this mark?
 It is said that this point, known by various names such as Third eye, Tikki, Ajna Chakra,Tilaka, etc, is the main nerve in the human body.
      According to legends, the material that is used to do the bindi, the "Sándalo" (a plant from India) is refreshing. Using this substance on the forehead between the eyes refreshes the nerve center associated with energy, and as a consequence the mind is calmed.

      Women wear the bindi as a symbol of their marriage vows. In ancient times, the groom smeared his blood on the forehead of the bride to represent his marriage to her. Today, the religious significance has been practically forgotten, is used more as a decoration and is worn by unmarried women as well as non-Hindus. But there are some women that have kept their traditions and still use this mark as a signal of their marriage.
       Nowadays, the bindi is part of the Hindu fashion. They can be found in different colors and designs that have adhesives that facilitate its application in the forehead between the eyes.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. I think is kind of sad that even when hindu fight so much to keep their traditions in foreign countries, have forgotten the reasons for them.When you start doing something without a reason or just because, it transforms in just fashion or a Do in style.Is everything I admire from their culture transformed into another meaningless thing.

  3. I liked the history of Bindi. I dind't know that it had a profound meaning!!

    That's really good. I have used it many times! I want to use it more!
