Friday, June 15, 2012


 Maybe we have a lot of information in this blog, but we have to think about the value of this material and not just read o put some entries like part of a evalutation. I don't want to make an entry more "deep" because I think that it would be a fake reflexion.

Maybe this comment can be a little repetitive, but I think that we have to take all this topics about cultures as a way to face the life. We have been  four months listening the concept of things that are really dificult to define, so at the end the work is our. We should apply this "tolerance" that we have developed this time, sometimes we disagree with some definitons in the presentations, but at the end this subject help us to understand  the culture from a different point of view. With this subject I hope, that now we have a more "open mind" in some topics at least...


  1. I really agree with your concept because we have talk and write LOTS about we have to be "open minded", human rights, racism, sexism. I'm not saying that is wrong, I just think that in the outside is where you have to be "open minded".
    As Vania said in other commentary she saw a gay couple kissing each other, it was shocking but she respected them, it's difficult, new for our chilean society but we can achieve a more liberal country, we have to destroy the barrier of the intolerance on the streets :)

  2. Well, making a summary and following the road of your post, i think we all have had a common idea of what cultural diversity means.

    Our classmates have different religious beliefs, age, gender, socio - economic status, sexual orientation, ideologies and ICD was a space for discussion and in sometimes, a space for fusion of great ideas, like in the case of MLK's image for us or our last classes about India, last presentations.

    I reinforced my poor notion of tolerance in ICD, its real meaning, the real understanding of each person.

  3. I´m agree with you because it doesn´t matter that we upload material just for get a mark, we have to integrate this knowledge and and think: how can I use it? Is it useful? and how this material will help me to be a better teacher. Then of course, practice it.
